President’s Message – May 2019


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President’s Message – May 2019

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.  According to Dr. Charles J. Morgan, Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry,  “In the United States, almost half of adults (46.4%) will experience a mental illness during their lifetime.  The effects of mental illness have physical, social, and financial implications.  However, less than half of people who have been diagnosed with a mental disorder in the past year will receive professional health care or other services.   We are striving to do away with the stigma of mental illness and bringing about awareness.  People need to be aware that mental illness is treatable.  The earlier treatment begins, the more effective it is. ”I hope you will consider making a gift this month to support our Mental Health Services.  With your help, patients and families will find the treatment they’ve been searching for.  Your contribution will have far reaching benefits for our patients and the community. Click to DONATE