President’s Message – January 2017
President’s Message – January 2017
Happy New Year from the Bridgeport Hospital Foundation!
Once a month in 2017, I will be sending a brief message about how philanthropy is making a positive difference in the lives of Bridgeport Hospital patients and families. I hope that this series underscores just how much we value the continuing support of our donors.
This month, we celebrate recent charitable contributions from the Bunting Foundation of Hunt Valley, MD and a grateful patient from New Canaan that have helped us launch the innovative and trailblazing work of our Geriatric Injury Institute. Funded entirely through philanthropy, the Institute is addressing the various causes of traumatic and devastating falls which often result in a loss of elderly patients’ independence…or worse.
Led by our chief of Trauma, Burns & Critical Care, Shea Gregg, M.D., the Institute is comprised of a multidisciplinary team representing trauma care, geriatrics, the Emergency Department, physical rehabilitation, clinical research and marketing. Charitable giving allows the team to focus on promoting independence and maximizing the recovery of older trauma patients. By supporting safe, high-quality, specialized, coordinated prevention and care, philanthropy has a measurable impact on seniors in our community, our state and hopefully beyond: the Institute’s model of care can be deployed nationally to better manage the geriatric injury epidemic.
To learn more about the Geriatric Injury Institute, please contact Lyla Steenbergen at (203) 384-3522 or click here.
Whether large or small, we truly appreciate every gift to the Foundation. Thank you again for being a member of our community of donors.