President’s Message – August 2018


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President’s Message – August 2018

The Fay Fund at Bridgeport Hospital

At Bridgeport Hospital, we care deeply about our community and want to keep all of our patients as healthy as possible.

Sometimes, issues other than illness can affect the wellness of our patients. They can’t be discharged to recuperate at home because they have no electricity. They don’t have enough food to stay physically strong. When needs like these arise that are not medical but can make a difference in the health of a patient, Bridgeport Hospital turns to the Fay Fund for help. The Fay Fund provides support for patients and their families when they are financially unable to meet basic needs. We assist our patients with rent,  child care costs, utilities, funeral expenses, and food, all with the goal of keeping them well and out of the hospital.

I hope you will consider making a gift to maintain the health and dignity of our patients. Your support will have far reaching benefits for our patients and our community.