Park Avenue Medical Center 5520 Park Avenue, Trumbull, CTAcupuncture is a drug free therapy which encourages natural healing, reduces pain and improves function all over the body. * Insomnia *Joint Pain *Nausea *Anxiety *Neuropathy *Nausea *Lymphedema To learn…
Music Meditation
Music Meditation Explore replenishing and restoring music practices to reduce stress and improve vitality. Research has shown that music is a powerful tool that can help reduce anxiety, pain and…
Ukulele For Healing
Join us in a small group to explore learning music as a healing modality. Space is limited, past music experience recommended. Meets in the Healing Garden at Park Avenue Medical…
Massage Michele Attard, LMT & Marcy Furano, LMT, Nicole Lott, LMT - Oncology Massage Therapists Oncology Massage Therapists are specially trained to help cancer patients manage the symptoms and side…
Massage/Reiki Michele Attard, LMT & Marcy Furano, LMT - Oncology Massage Therapists Oncology massage therapists are specially trained to help cancer patients manage the symptoms and side effects of treatments,…
Massage/Reiki Oncology Massage therapists are specially trained to help cancer patients manage symptoms and side effects of treatments, like surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and lymphedema. To schedule an appointment or for…