Our Main Giving Opportunities
You may choose the fund you wish to make a donation to by selecting an opportunity below.
The Fund for Bridgeport Hospital
To provide funds for advanced medical technology and to improve operating performance.
Honor Your Caregiver
Say thank you to the caregivers who made a difference in your stay.
Connecticut Burn Center
The Connecticut Burn Center is one of our region’s signature medical services with staff and facilities dedicated solely to the treatment of burns
Norma Pfriem Breast Center
Provides breast care for all women, regardless of their ability to pay.
Bringing Technology to Life
Bridgeport Hospital is making major investments in critical, life-saving cardiovascular and neurovascular technology.
The Joan Jacoby Fund
The Joan Jacoby Fund at Bridgeport Hospital was established by Milt and Bunny Jacoby in 1988 in memory of their daughter Joan, who died of cancer at age seven. The logo for the fund is part of a mural painted in Joan’s memory that includes her favorite things; clowns, strawberries, flowers, and ice cream.
Bridgeport Hospital Nursing Education Fund
Studies show a direct correlation between increased quality of patient care and nurse development. Access to professional development keeps nursing care clinically relevant as medical knowledge rapidly changes; enhances overall job satisfaction, reduces job turnover; and increases confidence, resiliency, and well-being of clinical bedside leaders.
More Giving Opportunities
Your generosity continues to inspire what we do each and every day. Thank you!
With the greatest of care These are the stories about dedicated physicians, nurses, physical therapists and other caregivers who provide high-quality, compassionate care.
Your generosity in their honor will continue to make a difference in the lives of all of our patients!
Marcy Furano, LMT
Oncology – HYC on 11/14, 12/8 & 12/19
Stefany Lozano, RN
Major Surgery
Michael Dewar, MD
Cardiac Surgery
Karen Discepolo, APRN
Cardiac Surgery
Nicholas Morse, RN
Milford Campus Float Staff
Maria Gomes, RN
HVC Angio Suite
Winter DeFeo, RN
West Tower 6
Chaplain Maryann Calabrese
Bridgeport Hospital Chaplain
Our Impact
Your efforts are an important part of the philanthropic support that Bridgeport Hospital receives each year.
Primary Care Center
A National Leader
The work of Bridgeport Hospital’s Primary Care Center (PCC) is life altering and life
sustaining. The PCC establishes strong patient rapport and trust, lowers barriers and increases
patient access to care
The Fay Fund
Supporting patients' non-medical needs
Uses of the fund have included repair of an automobile so patients can get to their medical
appointments; payment of an electric bill for a family to bring their mother home and the purchase of
clothing and food.
Integrative Medicine & Support
Patients find joy in the moment
The services provided at little or no charge include:
massage, acupuncture, counseling, naturopathy, yoga and Tai Chi. A licensed music therapist
offers a wide range of free classes
Addressing patients’ mental health before a crisis
REACH is an interdisciplinary outpatient mental health program for children, adolescents and
adults. REACH is part of a mental health continuum of care for patients requiring more
comprehensive and intensive therapy.
Get Involved
You can make a difference in our community in many ways.